Breaking down stereotypes and striving for gender equity.

Respectful Relationships Education is the holistic approach to school-based, primary prevention of gender-based violence.   It uses the education system as a catalyst for generational and cultural change by engaging schools, as both educational institutions and workplaces, to comprehensively address the drivers of gender-based violence and create a future free from such violence.  (Our Watch Victoria, Respectful Relationships Education in Schools: Evidence Paper, December 2015)

Respectful Relationships is one of the most exciting and transforming government initiatives, and is part of the new Victorian Curriculum. The Department of Education and Training (DET) has some very detailed and useful new teaching and learning resources ready for use. Findings from the Respectful Relationships Education in School pilot program (Our Watch 2016) tells us that teachers need support, guidance and professional learning specific to Respectful Relationships in order to comfortably and skillfully deliver this tricky content within a whole school approach.  Kristy offers Respectful Relationships professional learning for teachers, school leadership and other school staff. All training is tailored to meet the needs of your specific educational setting –primary, secondary, specialist and alternative. Topics covered include:

About Kristy Lang

I am a qualified and experienced teacher with a high level of interest and extensive experience working in the area of Respectful Relationships in schools.

Services offered

Kristy Lang is available for Respectful Relationships consultancy, training and guest speaking.

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